The TRUITT Family & Their American Roots By Steven C. Gardner NOTE: This post includes only the "Introduction" at this time. Additional posts to follow of each Chapter upon completion. Table of Contents list below. All sections are subject to re-editing as needed.
(Truitt, Trewhitt, Trewett, Trywhitt, Truitt, Trwhyt, Treuit...) 1 - Introduction The crisp Northumberland English landscape of the high moorlands, with its vast undeveloped landscapes, stretches along the eastern borders of the Anglo-Scottish line and is the ancestral land of the Truitt family. With their persistent beginnings, this families fascinating adventures focus on a culture full of personal struggles, religious identity, and national pride. From these Northern English roots grew a cultural line whose adventures would eventually cross the great Atlantic Ocean to participate in the founding of the Virginia colonial experience. The consequences that follow stretch from the virgin tobacco fields of this new wilderness, through struggles of religious hardships, and culminates in a war for a new Nations identity. The story that surrounds this family is entwined in the birth of the American Experience and the foundation of a Nation.
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